

Wednesday 30th August



Thursday 31st August

  Friday 1st September


Venue - Rooms location >>>


Wednesday 30th August


 09:00 h - 09:30 h.

 09:30 h - 10:00 h.

Opening Session | Programme Change -  Official Opening will take place at 17:00 h. | 09:30 h. Welcome speech by Wesley Schultz 

Assembly Room - Floor: -3 
 Wesley Schultz. President of the Env Psych Division of IAAP.
 10:00 h - 11:00 h. Introductory talk | Change time: 17:30 h. - 18:30 h.
Assembly Room - Floor: -3
Chair: Richard Wener. New York University, USA
 Promoting sustainable lifestyles, social innovation and wellbeing in Europe: lessons from three large-scale interdisciplinary projects
 Ricardo Garcia-Mira & Adina Dumitru. Universidade de A Coruña, Spain.
 11:00 h - 11:30 h. Break
 11:30 h - 13:00 h.

Paper Session I / Symposia


PS-I-01 - Place, identity and behavior

Room: -1.1

Chair: Bernardo Hernández. University of La Laguna, Spain

002. Territory, community-based tourism and environmental protection in two Brazilian quilombos.

Massola, G.M., Dos Santos, A.O., Svartman, B.P., & Galeao da Silva, L.G.

260. Sense of place and eucalyptus trees: an interdisciplinary approach to the state of Galician woodlands.

Martínez-Cabrera, H. & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, G.

047. The house space appropriation in one community in Rio de Janeiro.              

Alves De Souza Filho, E.

PS-I-02 - Exploring sustainable consumption behavior I
Room: -1.2
Chair: Wesley Schultz. California State University San Marcos. President of IAAP (Env.Psy. Div.)

268. Consumers’ goal frames and rebound behavior in car purchase decisions.

Becker, S. & Mack, B.

080. Collaborative Consumption: Behavioral predictors and energy balance.

Bachmann, F., Artho, J., Haefeli, U., Hanimann, A., Jonas, K. & Matti, D.

187. Nudging consumers towards sustainable choices in out-of-home catering.

Bauske, E. & Langen, N.

078. Heterogeneity in the Effect of Green Energy Defaults.

Liebe, U., Gewinner, J. & Diekmann, A.

PS-I-03 - Sustainable lifestyle
Room: -1.3
Chair: Giuseppe Carrus. Roma Tre University, Italy

113. Waste behaviours at home, at work and on holiday: what influences behavioural consistency across contexts?

Whitmarsh, L., Haggar, P. & Thomas, M.                         

118. I am therefore I do? An investigation of spillover effects from work to home through the lens of environmental identity.        

Verfuerth, C. Oates, C.J., Gregory-Smith, D. & Jones, C.R.                                                     

155. Time is wealth: Part-time work as a means to foster sustainable lifestyles?

Moser, S. & Bader, C.                                               

015. Parenthood and environmental concern: A longitudinal investigation of the legacy hypothesis.

Poortinga, W., Thomas, G.O., Whitmarsh, L., Fisher , R. & Milfont, T.L.                                                            

345. Understanding intergenerational relationship in car ownership desire: The influence of parents on young people.   

Nishihara, N., Schmoecker, J.-D., Kim, J., Nakamura, T. & Uno, N.

PS-I-04 - Class and culture in pro-environmental behavior
Room: -1.4
Chair: Ricardo García Mira. University of A Coruña, Spain

023. Values and environmentalism: A cross-cultural meta-analysis across 58 countries.

Karl, J.QA. & Milfont, T.L.

138. Can Middle Class Environmentalism Develop from Environmentalism of the Poor?

Bettin, J. & Wollni, M.

203. The values of sustainable development in rural Gabon.  

Nanda. N.S. & Rioux, L.

168. Agroecological beliefs in agrarian sciences.

Fiamoncini, D.I. & Pato, C.

276. In What Ways Are Socio-Cultural Variables Connected to Climate Attitudes and Behaviors? The Czech Republic Divided by Value Orientation.        

Chabada, T., Krajhanzl, J., Svobodová, R. & Skalík, J.

PS-I-05 - Emotional dimensions of sustainability I
Room: 0.2
Chair: María Johansson. Lund University, Sweden

332. Emotional Patterns in Environmentally-relevant Stimuli.

Willis, R.L., Provost, S.C. & Christidis, L.

273. Proud to give, too guilty to take: Decision frame moderates the impact of incidental emotions on energy consumption.

Tarditi Joz-Roland, C., Hahnel, U.J.J. & Brosch, T.

083. Feelings are important: Tangible and intangible cues used in environmental evaluation.

Anderson, N.M., Ford, R.M. & Williams, K.J.H.

SS-I-01 -  Symposium:  Sustainable food consumption I
Room: +1.1
Chair: Karolin Schmidt. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

327. Developing an agent-based model of food consumption: the importance of understanding daily routines.

Craig, T. & MacDiarmid, J.

101. The psychology of sustainable seafood consumption.

Richter, I., & Klöckner, C.A.

265. Sustainable food consumption in Germany - results of a representative survey.

Gellrich, A. & Scholl, G.

044. Predictors of Household Food Waste (prevention) – an integrative Review.

Schmidt, K.

SS-I-02 -  Symposium: Transition of the transport sector I
Room: +1.2
Chair: Sebastian Bobeth. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

122. The “Range Myth” in Electric Car Adoption: New Findings and Implications for Researchers and Policy Makers.

Bobeth, S. & Matthies, E.

050. Abstract Electric vehicle rental and EV-adoption.

Langbroek, J.H.M., Franklin, J.P. & Susilo, Y.O.

223. The assessment, acceptance and implication of the use of different autonomous e-cars.

Hartmann, C., Graf, M., Reijnen. E. & Hackenfort, M.

072. Who is Likely to Travel by Air? An Analysis of Attitudes, Socio-Economic Factors and Travel Opportunities.

Bruderer Enzler, H.

098. A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological correlates of travel mode choice.

Hoffmann, C., Abraham, C., White, M.P., & Skippon, S.

SS-I-03 - Symposium: Factors influencing the effectiveness and acceptability of environmental policy
Room: +1.3
Chairs: Elliot Sharpe & Nadja Zeiske. University of Groningen, The Netherlands

158. Acceptability of political measures for the German energy transition – Spillover effects due to environmental vs. monetary framing of behavioural information.

Steinhorst, J. & Matthies, E.

264. The motivational impact of smart incentives to promote sustainable behaviour.

Zeiske, N., Van Der Werff, E., & Steg, L.

274. Trust and emotions as motivators of policy acceptance: The case of the Irish water charges.

Rodriguez-Sanchez, C., Schuitema, G., & Claudy, M.

306. Public acceptability of energy transitions: Why addressing concerns may not always be effective.

Sharpe, E.J., Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G.

362. ‘I may join if we want the same!’ – Goal congruence stimulates interest in environmental community initiatives.        

Sloot, D., Jans L., & Steg, L.

 13:00 h - 14:00 h. Lunch
 14.00 h IAPS Annual General Meeting
Assembly Room - Floor: -3
 14.00 h Workshop: Make Slides Great Again: Evidence-based Approaches for Presenting Psychological Data
   Room: -1.1
   More information >>
 14:00 h - 15:00 h. Poster Session I
Poster exhibition area - Floor: -1
PO I - 01 - Behavior and energy consumption  


Chair: Ferdinando Fornara. University Of Cagliari, Italy


038. No drought about it? The influence of personal experience on views of climate change.

Becker, S. & Sparks, P.

295. Ability to save electrical energy at home.

Valencia Chavez, G.C., Flores Herrera L.M., & Bustos Aguayo, M.

243. It’s Time to Switch:  When do Consumers Switch to More Energy-Efficient Appliances?

Kühne, S.J., Reijnen, E., & Hackenfort, M.

067. Household energy reduction - – content analysis of participators experiences of an intervention.

Weimer, K., Ahlström, R., & Lisspers, J.

377. Achieving transitions in UK energy and material use: Public deliberations of a low carbon future.

Cherry, C. Steentjes, K. Pidgeon, N.

379. The impact of learning environment on academic performance.

López-Chao, V.A, García-Mira, R & Muñoz-Cantero, J.M.

PO I - 02 - Sustainable behavior


Chair: Birgitta Gatersleben. University Of Surrey, United Kingdom


005. Sustainable Transport – The Importance of Design and Emotion.

Hofmann, D.

123. Attitude Change in Personal Travel - A Qualitative Investigation.

Hoffmann, C., Abraham, C., Skippon, S. & White, M.P.

030. A Study on Urban Elderly's Activity Characteristics and Satisfaction towards Neighborhood Space Affordance in Taiwan.

Tung, C.-M.

244. Integrated multimodal mobility concepts: Preferences and intention to adopt among car-sharing users.

Hanss D. & Peters, A.

027. The right traits for recycling.

Poškus, M.S. & Žukauskienė, R.

PO I - 03 - Sustainable consumption


Chair: Christian A. Klöckner. Norwegian University of Science and Technology 


090. Yes, we can! Positive campaigns mitigate compensatory “mental bookkeeping” effects and promote pro-environmental behaviors.

Chatelain, G., Hille, S.L., Sander, D., Patel, M., Hahnel, U.J.J., & Brosch, T.

381. The role of responsible consumption initiatives in promoting sustainable lifestyles

Lema-Blanco, I.; García-Mira, R.; Muñoz-Cantero, J.M.

279. The role of descriptive norm and anticipated emotions in reducing meat consumption.

Fornara, F. & Tirotto, F.

286. Water consumption feedback devices: Intention to adopt and correlates

Hanss, D. & Peters, A.

211. Nature connectedness and pro-environmental behavior: leverage point for sustainability transition.

Klaniecki, K.

PO I - 04 - Behavior in work spaces


Chair: Deborah Cracknell. National Marine Aquarium, United Kingdom 


232. Safety of defensive and coping person’s behavior.

Nikiforova, D.M., Boyko, A.D. & Krivoshchekova, M.S.

210. Involvement in extremist groups in the Internet environment: the psychological aspect.

Kruzhkova, O.V., Vorobyeva, I.V. Nikiforova, D.M. & Krivoshchekova, M.S.

248. The Comfort Advantage in “Green” Buildings: A Reflection of Biased Self-Reports?

Holmgren, M.

291. Investigating multi-stakeholder risk perceptions associated with coastal flooding - the PACA coastline, France.

Dias, P., Schleyer-Lindenmann, A., Bertoldo, R., & Bailey, E.

339. Environmental chaos at home and in school and its impact on child anxiety.

Campos Gil, J.A., Salvador-Ginez, O. & Ortega Andeane, P.

371. Participatory Design Methodology Research for Elementary School Restroom Remodeling.

An, E.H. & Paik, J.

 15:00 h - 16:30 h.

Paper Session II / Symposia

PS-II-06 - Exploring sustainable consumption behavior II
   Room: -1.1
Chair: Wesley Schultz. California State University San Marcos. President of IAAP (Env.Psy. Div.)


056. Sustainable consumer choice: The discrepancy between common research practices and reality.

Klein, S.A. & Hilbig, B.E.

266. The impact of carsharing on consumers’ quality of life.

Becker, S., Martin E., Shaheen S., Stocker A. & Lazarus J.

300. Integrating multi-disciplinary perspectives in sustainable energy consumption research: Findings from a swiss household energy survey.

Schubert, I., Sohre, A. & Burger, P.

361. The role of grassroots innovations in promoting local sustainable consumption. Motivations, values and learning outcomes within the “Galician network of conscious and responsible consumption".

Lema-Blanco, I., García-Mira, R. & Muñoz Cantero, J.M.

PS-II-07- Health and environmental behavior
Room: -1.2
Chair: Stephanie Johnson Zawadzki. University of Groningen, The Netherlands


126. An Ecosystems Approach to Indigenous Mental Health: Psychological Resilience in the Traditional Cree Food System.

Spiegelaar, N.

182. Nature walks versus medication: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment comparison for attention problems in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  (*Programme change: included in PS-II-11)

Stevenson, M.P., Schilhab, T., Healey, D., Glue, P. & Bentsen, P.

335. Environmental Stress Model with Cancer Patients.

Ortega-Andeane, P., Dumitru, A., Irepan, M. & Salvador-Ginez, O.

354. Motivational Interviewing (MI) in environmental inspections and enforcement conversations  and quality assurance of MI.

Forsberg, L. & Wickström, H.

353. Food safety inspectors trained in Motivational Interviewing increased compliance with waste sorting legislation in restaurants.

Wickström, H., Forsberg, L.,Herzing, M. & Jacobson, A.

294. Mothers' environment stress and association with household chaos and density.

Sánchez-Mondragòn, G. & Flores, L.M.

PS-II-08 - Policy acceptability
Room: -1.3
Chair: Angela Ruepert. University of Groningen, The Netherlands


252. Acceptability of sustainable policies.

Van der Werff, E., Steg, L. & Ruepert, A.M.

238. Energy security in Greece and Turkey: The importance of pro-environmental and pro-cultural orientations in shaping public concern.

Jones, C.R., Kaklamanou, D. & Lazuras, L.

282. Acceptability of Wilderness Conservation Policies in Czech Republic.

Skalík, J., Cada, K., Chabada, T. & Krajhanzl, J.

373. A review to the willigness to pay (WTP) - willigness to accept (WTA) disparities in environmental evaluation: Experimenttal results of the endowment effect.

Dopico, J.A. & González, M.A.

136. Determinants of intention to donate for the landscape of night view towards eco-friendly lights: A case of study of implementations of energy saving lights in Hakodate, Japan.

Ohnuma, S., Kobayashi, T., Anpo, Y., Nakamata, T., Iino, M. & Yokoyama, M.

PS-II-09 - Sustainable travel behavior
Room: -1.4
Chair: Taciano Milfont. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


035. The green road taken: Sustainable travel behavior of individuals within the Campbell Paradigm.

Kaiser, F.G. & Arnold, O.

121. A Repertory Grid Analysis of Perceptions of Travel Modes.

Hoffmann, C., Abraham, C., Skippon, S. & White, M.P.

130. Energy-efficient business travel: motivation in behavior intervention programs.

Olsson, L.E. & Friman, M.

321. The role of individual determinants and socio-cultural context in shaping car travel: comparing cases of Sweden and Estonia.

Orru, K., Poom, A. & Nordlund, A.

343. Development and Evaluation of BLAZE Information System.

Sunio, V., Schomöcker, J.-D., Estuar, R.,Gotangco, C.K. & Favis, A.M.

PS-II-10 - Emotional dimensions of sustainability II
Room: 0.2
Chair: Immo Fritsche. University of Leipzig, Germany 


009. Emotional responses to climate change related artwork and identification with the artist as drivers of motivation to act – a multilevel study of audience responses at the ARTCOP21.

Klöckner, C.A. & Sommer, L.K.

198. Using Twitter to measure opinions and sentiments about environmental issues during the 2016 US presidential election.

Mumenthaler, C., Hahnel, U. & Brosch, T.

205. Using big data in restorative environments research: A case study analyzing urban twitter sentiment.

Lee, K.E., Naghizade, E., Rashidi, L., Kim, K.H., Winter, S., Faux, N. & Kendal, D.

094. Intergroup contact as a means to foster identification with humanity and pro-environmental behavior intentions.

Römpke, A.-K-, Fritsche, I. & Reese, G.

PS-II-11 - Restorative environments
Room: 0.3
Chair: Terry Hartig. Uppsala University, Sweden


052. A tale of two sticks: walking towards restoration.

Subiza-Pérez, M., Vozmediano, L. & San Juan, C.

290. Human Voice, Natural Threat, and Restoration.

Benfield, J. & Cherian, B.

319. Effects of the Restoration Skills Training (ReST) Course on the Ability to Cope with and Attain Restoration from Stress and Fatigue.

Lymeus, F., Vincenti, J., Zetterberg, A., Lindberg, P. & Hartig, T.

242. Eye movements measured across images with a various level of fascination.

Franek, M., Sefara, D., Petruzalek, J. & Cabal, J.

SS-II-01 -  Symposium:  Sustainable food consumption II
Room: +1.1
Chair: Karolin Schmidt. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany 


031. Visioning a green future or longing for the good old days? Basic drivers of organic food consumption in Europe.

Thøgersen, J.

057. Assumptions regarding low-CO2 products: halo effect and its consequences.

Leygue, C.

095. Consumer drivers of change towards more sustainable diets.

Verain, M.C.D., Bouwman, E.P., & Snoek, H.M.

100. Food waste as the consequence of conflicting household management goals.

Van Geffen, L.E.J., Sijtsema, S.J., Van Herpen, E., & Van Trijp, J.C.M.

SS-II-02 - Symposium: The potential of mindfulness for changing environmental beliefs and behaviors
Room: +1.2
Chair: Sonja Geiger. Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany


060. Environmentally significant outcomes of a mindfulness-based meditation intervention study: the connection of materialism, compassion and sustainable consumption.

Geiger, S.M., Fischer, D. & Schrader, U.

132. Mindfulness is related to eco-friendly behavior through social dominance.

Panno, A., Carrus, G., Giacomantonio, M., Maricchiolo, F., Pirchio, S., & Mannetti, L.

288. Meditation: More Happiness and less Materialism? Experience Differences and Mediator Effects.

Mikhof, A.

SS-II-03 - Symposium: Transition of the transport sector II
Room: +1.3
Chair: Sebastian Bobeth. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany


333. Changing trip behavior in a higher education institute: The role of parking fees.

Carmi, N. & Becker, N

054. Determinants of More Sustainable Modes of Transportation for the Commute.

Kibbe, A., Arnold, O. & Kaiser, F.G.

192. The barriers and drivers to active and sustainable travel in the state of São Paulo: A cross-cultural comparison and assessment of broad-scale investments in cycling infrastructure.

Bösehans, G.

058. The role of ambient light conditions in encouraging active travel.

Uttley, J. & Fotios, S.

010. Pedestrian route taking behaviour at night and street lighting: A pilot study.

Davoudian, N. & Mansouri, A.A.


SS-II-04 - Symposium: Perception of climate change and related innovations: The role of emotions and affect

Room: +1.4

Chair: Nadja Contzen. University of Groningen, The Netherlands


165. How do you feel about climate change?  A study of scientists, students and the general population.

Wang, S., Leviston, Z., Hurlstone, M., Walker, I., & Lawrence, C.

240. Tariff Design and Acceptance: Using Insights from Behavioural Economics.

Mahmoodi, J. & Brosch, T., Hille, S. & Patel, M.

170. The Unanimous Positive Imagery of Solar Power.

Sütterlin, B. & Siegrist, M.

087. Predictors of emotions about a hydrogen fuel station project: perceived outcomes, perceived fairness, trust and prior awareness.

Huijts, N.M.A.

061. Emotions towards new technologies and products: A matter of value-compatibility.

Contzen, N., Perlaviciute, G. & Steg , L.

 16:30 h - 17:00 h. Break
 17:00 h - 17:30 h. Official Opening
 Assembly Room - Floor: -3

Professor Salvador Naya Fernández   

Vice Rector of the University of A Coruña

Scientific Policy, Research and Transfer Department


Mrs. María García Gómez

Deputy Mayor (Substitute) of A Coruña


Professor Wesley Schultz

President of the Environmental Psychology Division of IAAP


Professor Manuel Peralbo Uzquiano 

Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences. University of A Coruña


Professor Ricardo García Mira

President of Steering Committee 

 17:00 h - 18:00 h. Graumann Keynote Lecture | Change time: 10:00 h. - 11:00 h.
Assembly Room Floor: -3 
Chair: Florian G. Kaiser. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

Collective Problems Require Collective Answers: A Social Identity Model of Pro-Environmental Action

Immo Fritsche. Universität Leipzig, Germany.

 20:00 h.

Welcome Reception








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