


Oral Presentation:


  • Presentations are initially scheduled to take 10 minutes, but according to the session and chairman indications this can slightly vary. Time for discussion with the audience is as important as the presentations themselves. So, in order to avoid that long presentations exceed the assigned time and limit the time for discussion, we ask you to choose 5 strong ideas to present in 10 minutes time frame, leaving more time for discussion with the audience. In this way, the paper session will be more dynamic and participative, and if necessary you will have additional time for completing any idea that you consider not enoughly explained. With this aim in mind, we ask you to select these 5 ideas in a maximum of around 12-15 slides, where you focus your presentation to be made on concepts, method, findings, policy implications, discussion…).


  • PPt Presentations must be delivered, in the corresponding room, at least 4 hours in advance, to test them and filter any e-virus in the corresponding room of the presentation (the presentation must be in PDF too)



Poster Presentation:


  • One hour sessions of poster presentations are scheduled as indicated in the program. The authors are invited to stand near the poster during this session so delegates can be around and ask questions.


  • The poster has to be placed in the corresponding panel between 9:00 a.m and 10:00 a.m, on the day of the poster presentation, and it has to be removed at the end of the day of the corresponding session, material needed to hang the poster will be available.


  • Poster dimensions will be: DIN AO - 841×1189 mm. (vertical orientation)








Orzán Congres

Phone: +34 981 900 700




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